Your Blueprint & System For Impactful Business Growth

The Impact Growth System™ is a 10-part collaborative workshop designed to craft a defined execution strategy that empowers your organization to drive profitable, sustainable and impactful growth.


Impact Growth Program Benefits

The Impact Growth process is intentionally curated to harness the foundational passion and mission that drives any given project, business or mission.

It melds the creators inherent vision with their expertise and ability to deliver, creating clear alignment between all key decision-makers and the actions needed for success.

What you’ll come away with:

  • A clearly defined strategy that differentiates you in the market.

  • Holistic organization alignment on the vision, mission and tactics for growth.

  • Growth-driven outcomes with benchmarks and accountability.

  • An execution action plan that drives your next phase of growth.

  • Executive tools & frameworks that empower growth.


Impact Growth Program Design

The Impact Growth System™ is based on a concept called Minimum Effective Dose (MED), which is the philosophy of using the least amount of effort for the maximum amount of results.

The process is aimed at actualizing a cohesive strategy that not only reflects the core business values and future potential, but also amplifies the impact the company aspires to have on the world in the simplest form.

With this philosophy we cut through the bullsh*t and get right to the core of what is off balance in your organization so we can streamline the actions needed for fast, efficient and sustainable growth.

The Impact Growth System™ is perfect for…

The Care-Based Economy: mental health, alternative medicine, life-cycle advancement, health and wellness organizations.

The Knowledge-Exchange Economy: higher education, public health, coaching, teaching and private education.

This program is designed for growth-stage and accelerating businesses or institutions looking to effect change.


Your Tools For Impactful Growth

The Impact Growth Program is more than a workshop. You will receive actionable tools, frameworks, systems and tactics designed to help you find success the day after we are complete. Each phase of the workshop teaches you a variety of concepts that you can begin to implement into your business immediately to create change.

The Tools:

  • A Personalized Impact Growth Playbook.

  • Your Unique Impact Positioning.

  • Your Defined Brand Story.

  • A 6-Month Strategic Growth Plan.

  • 6-12 Months of Impact Growth Facilitation.

  • Partner & Customer Acquisition Growth Execution.

The Systems & Frameworks:

  • Business Nervous System Management.

  • Flow State Productivity Frameworks.

  • Left/Right Hemisphere Problem Solving.

  • Operational Organization Systems.

  • Brand Storytelling Design.


Let’s Create Change Together!

I believe organizations need to throw out the traditional business-building playbook and build their own systems for impact-based change that are fuelled by a growth-centred action plan.

I use a combination of Flow State Optimization, Value-Based Storytelling, Strategic Positioning, One-To-Many Customer Acquisition & Creative Partnerships to support businesses on their mission.

For me, it’s about actualizing the change we envision for the world through intentional, human-impact collaboration and my speciality is turning your bold ideas into real-world solutions. I’d love to find a way to create together


My Promise To You

If your biggest impact goal is not realized within our 6 month container I will reimburse your workshop fees, no questions asked.