Combining the science of flow with the benefits of habit coaching to unlock a new state of peak motivation & empowered mental health


Emotional IQ



A flow state is a psychological concept of optimal being where an individual, fully engaged in an activity, experiences timelessness, calm, and an absence of self-consciousness, leading to a healthier mind and body.

Flow states are moments of deep emotional balance and mental clarity that connect you to your motivations, heighten your attention, and enhance your cognitive abilities. This alignment of mindset and emotions amplifies performance and nurtures mental well-being, allowing answers to difficult challenges to come easily and clearly.




Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Inside of a natural flow state where we use our nervous system as a wellness tool we can create optimal resting health states that allow us to reduce inflammation in the body, and improve our stress response to life’s more challenging moments.

Enhance Self Compassion

When we’re in an active flow state we are fully immersed in the here and now, void of all self judgement and self consciousness. In this state we can find a sincere sense of compassion for our selves, our experiences and our potential.

Increase Motivation & Resilience

Flow states allow for a deeper connection to purpose and drive. This motivation can help us move through difficult challenges, emotions and goals. With this motivation we are empowered to overcome any difficulty that we face in life with resilience.

Build Nervous System Regulation

Flow states provide a deeper level of awareness of the role our nervous system plays in our work, life and emotional health. When we enter a flow state we engage the mind and body in a calm and balanced way that promotes holistic health and peak performance.


You’re stuck in a consistent negative mental state, your current tools are no longer effective, but your motivated to find a more natural way of living and being that is more aligned with your goals.

You’re looking to create change in your life, deepen your understanding of your emotions, enhance your relationships and reach your goals in less time, with less stress and with more meaning.

You’re a high performer looking for ways to unlock skills, improve lifestyle, maintain a healthy balance of striving and relaxing while feeling content with who you are, what you do & how you do it.



Fill in the coaching intake form below to apply for one of the personalized Flow State coaching programs.


Work with Cory to personalize your experience based on your goals, motivations and current lifestyle.


Follow the 8 week coaching program, receive guidance, learn new techniques and find your flow.

All Programs Include:

  • Eight 90-minute one on one coaching sessions

  • Access to the Flow State Cycle masterclass

  • Daily prompts for deeper flow state access

  • 30+ lifestyle specific Flow State protocols

  • Over 500 hours of DIY tools and resources

  • Goal setting and change-making accountability



  • The 8-week signature Flow State Coaching™ program is a personalized journey designed to help you step into an elevated state of being where we work together through challenges, achieve profound breakthroughs and deepen a connection to your self, your emotions and the changes you’re motivated to make in your life.

    Whether it’s on the field, at the office, or in your home, the Flow State Coaching™ program will help unlock a deeper sense of purpose and passion, while you learn to manage your nervous system, enhance your emotional intelligence and exceed the goals you wish to reach.

  • The Flow State+ program enhances your coaching experience by integrating the power of microdosing.

    Not only will you receive the science-backed Flow State cycle training and personalized coaching, you’ll also receive individual guidance on how to build a microdosing practice that supports your motivations.

    Flow State+ focuses on moving beyond the default mode of your mind and into a deeper state that allows you to understand the true nature of your goals while nurturing your mental-emotional health in a fundamental, long-lasting way.

  • The Team Flow State Coaching™ customized program is a collective journey designed to help your team tap into a heightened state of collaboration and performance. Together, we'll navigate challenges, achieve remarkable team breakthroughs, and foster a deeper connection within the group dynamic. Whether it's on the field, in the boardroom, or during team-building activities, the Team Flow State coaching program will empower your group to unlock a shared sense of purpose and passion. Learn to harmonize the team's collective nervous system, amplify group emotional intelligence, and surpass the objectives you set out to achieve.

  • Included in every coaching program is a library of Flow State Protocols to support you in between sessions and long after we are done working together.

    Protocols Include:

    • Morning Flow State Motivation

    • Creating Your Flow State Ritual

    • The Flow State Energy Protocol

    • Elevated Emotional Flow

    • No-Stress Flow State Breathwork

    • Deep Work Flow State Ritual

    • The Flow State Journal Technique

    • And much more…




  • A deep dive into the neurobiology of flow states and the onset of flow

    Read the peer reviewed publication

  • Deloitte compared the relationship between flow and employee engagement metrics to show the benefits at work.

    Read the paper

  • A review of the triggers that influence flow in athletes.

    Read the article

  • A look at Flow from as an undervalued state of being and how it can be used to increase motivation & happiness.

    Read the paper

  • How to integrate emotional, motivational and cognitive engagement to create a state of flow.

    Read the paper



Hi, I’m Cory Firth.

I am a human-impact coach, consultant, entrepreneur and advocate who has spent the last 5+ years building communities in the mental wellness and health innovation field.

After overcoming a 20+ year battle with depression & suicidal ideation, I have committed my career to a vision where the stigmatization of mental illness is replaced with compassion, transformation and community connection; a world where we work together to reunite with our innate abilities to heal, overcome and actualize our full potential.

Since 2020 I have co-built four non-profit organizations that have successfully advocated for psychedelics and psychedelic therapy across the world, including an international non-profit retreat centre, a national professional trade association and an international non-profit advocacy organization. I have helped advance groundbreaking mental health research, created more access to community support tools and lead national regulation-changing projects that have fundamentally transformed the way we access psychedelics & health services for severe mental health conditions in Canada.

I have studied and applied the concepts of Flow States to dramatically enhance my mood, emotional intelligence, lifestyle, productivity and relationships. I created the Flow State Coaching™ program becuase I believe that Flow is an undervalued tool in today’s society and that understanding it’s impact on emotional well-being and fulfillment can fundamentally transform our mental-emotional health.

I look forward to helping you find your flow.


  • The programs are designed to help individuals harness and optimize the Flow State cycle for profound breakthroughs in sport, work, and personal life.

  • The Flow State Coaching Programs span a comprehensive 8 weeks. Additional sessions can be purchased if needed.

  • Flow State coaching is specific to executives, athletes, and anyone seeking deeper motivation and understanding around their mental-emotional well-being.

  • No prior experience or knowledge is needed; all programs are designed to cater to both beginners and those familiar with the Flow State concept.

  • Our programs uniquely focus on optimizing the Flow State cycle, leading to a deeper connection with one's self and an enhanced ability to navigate life's challenges. You will be coached-up to achieve the flow state which empowers you and allows you to gain confidence to achieve your goals with guidance and accountability every step of the way.

  • The Flow State Coaching Programs offer a personalized journey, tailored to individual needs and aspirations. Group coaching coming soon.

  • Participants are encouraged to fully engage with the program's activities and reflections, dedicating consistent time each week outside of our 90-minute sessions to maximize benefits. I will commit my time to you if you commit your time to yourself.


Interested in working together? Fill out the application below to book a free discovery call.